Parent Participation
The cooperative nature of the school is crucial to both its identity and future. It is the commitment and enthusiasm of each member that makes the school a vital and growing operation. We also believe that as the school and our children do well, so does our community thrive.
The cooperative model ensures that parents and teachers work in tandem to support our children, with this approach the school literally becomes an extension of the family. The relationships that are built within our community are relationships that will form and may last throughout our children’s lifetimes.
As members of the Quail Hollow Community, families are required to volunteer 16 hours per school year to assist the cooperative in fund raising, facility improvements and maintenance, parent workdays, lawn mowing and yard maintenance, and other activities that support the school’s programs.
Quail Hollow relies on the active support of parents to hold down costs and make available expertise that would otherwise be too expensive to acquire. Parent participation also builds a sense of community and raises awareness about our program, thus ensuring its continued success. Throughout the year, you will hear about volunteer opportunities and you can also speak with the staff or the board to inquire about opportunities for getting involved.
The cooperative model ensures that parents and teachers work in tandem to support our children, with this approach the school literally becomes an extension of the family. The relationships that are built within our community are relationships that will form and may last throughout our children’s lifetimes.
As members of the Quail Hollow Community, families are required to volunteer 16 hours per school year to assist the cooperative in fund raising, facility improvements and maintenance, parent workdays, lawn mowing and yard maintenance, and other activities that support the school’s programs.
Quail Hollow relies on the active support of parents to hold down costs and make available expertise that would otherwise be too expensive to acquire. Parent participation also builds a sense of community and raises awareness about our program, thus ensuring its continued success. Throughout the year, you will hear about volunteer opportunities and you can also speak with the staff or the board to inquire about opportunities for getting involved.
What to Expect
Parent participation at the school is so extensive and varied that there will be many ways for you to find your niche. Please do not hesitate to ask questions, volunteer your special skills and share with us experiences you have gained elsewhere. If you would like to be more involved, feel free to talk to the Executive Director or any member of the Board of Directors.
To assure fair and effective operation of our school, each family is committed to supporting the cooperative in the following manner: ● Supporting the school community in a positive manner ● Learning about the Reggio Emilia philosophy ● Participating in volunteer opportunities ● Having one member of the family participate in one of the two parent work days yearly ● Supporting fundraising efforts ● Attending cooperative and parent-teacher meetings Committee involvement is important to the success of the school and it is important for our families to become actively involved in our committees. In the fall, families are invited to select the committee of their choice for the following year. In addition, families may be asked to work on special projects, including other committees, from time to time. Committee work involves approximately three hours per month. Available committees include the following:
Fundraising activities support teacher bonuses as well as general program improvements and families are expected to support fundraising efforts. Finally, participation in school meetings and conferences is expected. In addition to the two semi-annual cooperative meetings, there will be parent-teacher conferences held throughout the year. Dates for these meetings will be noted in your calendar. Families each have unique gifts to contribute to the cooperative. Ways to additionally participate include sponsoring teacher appreciation activities, hosting family play dates or joining in parent nights out. If any of these interest you or you have other ideas, please contact any member of the Board or the Executive Director. This multi-level participation in the school enables parents to share in their child’s school experience, ensures a quality program through the combined efforts and talents of the entire school community and provides an opportunity to share and grow in our parenting roles in an atmosphere of mutual support. Further, it provides an environment where children learn cooperation from the example of their parents and teachers working closely together. The experiences gained in school participation also aid parents in acquiring skills necessary to become effective advocates for their child’s future educational experiences and opportunities. |